Josh captured this i~phone shot at Julia's choice birthday celebration family supper at Bel Air's Double T Diner. She devoured her favorite treat from their colossal menu...waffles smothered in ice cream! Yes, she inherited my sweet genes!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Julia celebrated her b-day...
Josh captured this i~phone shot at Julia's choice birthday celebration family supper at Bel Air's Double T Diner. She devoured her favorite treat from their colossal menu...waffles smothered in ice cream! Yes, she inherited my sweet genes!
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6:05 PM
Labels: Double T Diner, Julia, waffles w/ice cream
Saturday, March 1, 2008
My Rx Rant...
My list of pet peeves was longer and more petty before my sister's death. Not to say that I was not an opinionated person before Greta fact I can rarely remember ever having a problem with verbal expression. However, somehow my grief process has changed my tolerance level of irritations.
My list has always included lazy, rude and mean people. I have never understood why malcontent people come out into the public venue when they seem to absolutely hate other human beings! It's funny and yet not...they can make a reasonably bubbly person like myself feel so drained. You know the may be "forced to break bread" with some over your next extended family dinner. Prickly, unhappy people, who barely grunt, mumble or say anything of substance when you acknowledge them. You know a "kill-joy" and they make you dread social interaction with them. With no disrespect to those with true clinical or situational depression, such souls should be encouraged to get medicated or at the very least prodded to frequently visit the gym. I'm a reasonably happy person and I enjoy reaping the benefit of a nice boost to the serotonin level in my ole brain a few times a week! (snickering)
So now that I have admitted that I struggle with numerous peeves...I am sharing here that I'm especially frustrated with people who enjoy breaking rules or much worse just flat-out lying! You're familiar with the likes of such; their range of falsehood may manifest in varying degrees but it is all deceit.
I have been contemplating a post on my pet peeves for a time now. If you will be honest with yourself you have them too. Folks who get in front of you in the "Express Checkout" with a hefty shopping cart of stuff (I want to say, "Look Dimwit...100 cans of 10 kinds of cat food does not constitute 10 items!) Darn drivers who turn with out nary a signal, medical personnel void of bedside manner, judges who rule like they are God, ministers who are jealous of their peers' successful ministries...(okay I warned you in my post title)!
Yes, after letting my "pet peeve rough draft" sit a bit in my blog box for a spell...I came to realize that most of my biggest irks go back to one common element - deceit. My recent ridiculous mega store pharmacy experience motivated me to finally finish and publish this post! I went to the pharmacy yesterday to get a script filled because I've had this sinus thing. I don't need to tell you what a fun thing it is to be sick. Much less who wants to spend their Friday night inhaling germs from hacking people...just to procure dreaded horse pills that need be force-swallowed twice a day for the next week and a half?
Upon being told that it "might take" 45 minutes and "if I liked I could check back in 15 so they could let me know the cost" I cooperated. Since I had just shopped there at length the day prior, I was bound and determined not to spend a dime in this popular store this day. I busied myself calling a friend or two from my cell for small-talk check-ins. Next I grabbed a Chicken Soup For Whoever Book from a nearby shelf. I sat like I was at the local library but the noise of the overhead loud speaker and people coughing around me rendered a most certain reality check.
After expiration of the allotted time window, I approach the counter and get dreaded news...$138 bucks for my script! I that American dollars? For that price it should rightfully also include complimentary blood pressure pills, a dose of vitamins that give me super stamina and be laced with some mood-altering drug that instills natural love for all mankind...even the idiots who make the decisions for these blasted health insurance companies!
I laughed and said "That's are joking...right?"
She stoically said, "No your plan covers $30 of the $168 cost."
At this point I was really beginning to stew. I was all but certain that the present health insurance was jerking us around...buying our policy was to change to a different provider the very next day. I was feeling so sick; all I just wanted was to get this, go home and rest. I called my hubby and vented the worthlessness of insurance coverage. He was disgusted and voiced how backwards it all sounded. I told him I do not know the problem but I needed something...he says he would call the insurance company himself. I scoffed and said something like, "Yeah right, like they're goin' take a call on a weekend night from a client who will no longer be their responsibility in less than 5 hours?!"
With my throbbing headache and I was by now ready to pay anything just to get to go home and fall into my bed. But before I resolve to relinquishing my Chick-fil-a, manicures and chocolate fixes for the next month, I thought to request a comparable (hopefully cheaper) generic equivalent. I was quickly and flatly told that there was none to be had. I resolved to the fact that if I want to get better I will have to wait longer and just pay the huge price.
My ringing cell phone informed me that the list of things needed on the home front has grown and now included dishwasher detergent and toilet paper. Now I am mad at the store for more than one reason...their ultimate ploy "to get me to spend more money" has somehow worked!
I do what Mommy's do everyday...pressed on to fulfill needs...I returned a tad later and it's still was not ready! OK even an ill female can only resist so much temptation to shop. The infection must have reached my brain as I got a second wind, meandered the mart maze, returnined to the Rx counter to purchase the necessities and all manner of stuff I did not need when I had entered the book I read parts if earlier and a card for someone I don't even consider a "real" friend. Fevers can be vicious!
The blue-smocked lady at the register greeted me with the statement "We are all out of your antibiotic!" I was told "You are welcome to check back tomorrow but it is more likely that another shipment will arrive on Monday!!!" I felt furious and questioned them as to why they could not have told me that like OVER 40 MINUTES AGO?
I shot back in a matter of fact tone...
"I am sick NOW and I am NOT going through this with you again tomorrow...waiting until Monday is not acceptable after all this!"
The pharmacist verbalized a broken English interrogative, "Generic?" Well how interesting a development...sweet mother of Abraham Lincoln...stop the American (English) presses! Why had his "perky little assistant" told me a plain "Anglo- Saxon No" earlier? I accepted his kind offer and killed yet another span of time no doubt rolling and tapping my nails on their counter for a bit! When the finale of this fiasco finally fleshed out...what do you suppose was the cost of the generic substitute?
Here's the real kicker...
ONLY 10 US dollars...yes...American dollars!
Why do people choose to lie like that? The truth fits just right every time! I am not talking avoidance of having all your business known to people with whom you hope to be private or avoid personal discussion. How about keeping marital peace by avoiding saying something hurtful like, "Baby, those jeans do make your booty look too big!" There's no justification for fabricating a lie. Situational ethics are so prevalent in our society. 'Just watch the news...everyday...politicians and even those paid to enforce our laws lie, cheat and steal! Maybe our elite and checked congress should just declare deceit as our national pass time!
I am less naive now...weighing every person's word and way before I file anything as a fact in my brain or trust them. Am I the only person who wants to believe the best in others but just can't anymore? Am I guilty of pride or just a control freak?
Lately, I'm becoming a serious proponent of calling people out to get their story straight in the first place! "Think before you even open your darn pie hole...say what you mean and for Pete's sake...really mean what you say!"
And I pray..."Dear Lord, forgive me for my negative attitude."
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12:00 PM
Labels: deceit, insurance companies, pet peeves, Rx