Tonight I enjoyed "AN EVENING WITH JOEL OSTEEN" at Baltimore's 1st Mariner Arena. It was truly an awesome time of fellowship. The half hour tv show messages (you may or may not have seen) pale in comparison to the two and one-half hours that was such a personal "real time" blessing for all in attendance. Most importantly just to have the privledge to witness people responding to the gospel message as presented by Joel Osteen was moving.
He is obviously well-liked as he's pastoring what has become the largest church in the United States; I say he's a real firecracker! He has many critics both inside and outside of Christian circles. I have always been encouraged by his words and tonight I say without reservation, in my opinion, his ministry of encouragement is a vital part of the body of Christ!!! He spear-heads a very God-glorifying event.
Photography is a passion of mine and I took a ton of pics I must say! The multi-media backdrop with its lights, still photographs, graphics and video clips aestheically complimented the program's musicians, singers and speakers. Paul Osteen (Joel's brother) shared how God had him leave his medical practice and come to serve at Lakewood where he preaches for the midweek service. Dodie Osteen(Joel's Mama)testified of the Lord's healing power in her life as she was told she was dying with liver cancer...that was 20-some years ago! Victoria (Joel's wife)spoke to all the married folks about blessing one's spouse daily with both encouraging words and deeds. Johnathan (Joel & Victoria's teenage son) quoted a verse from Philippians.
Cindy Cruse Ratcliff and the worship team did a wonderful job on the popular, "I am a friend of God" (listen here for a Youtube clip from some previous event)...
Their contemporary rendition of the old classic "It Is Well With My Soul" was fabulous. That hymn coupled with other worship tunes REALLY touched my heart. In fact on my way home tonight I put in the CD I bought a few days back...I was excited to hear Lakewood team sing a unique eleven minute version of my personal favorite hymn!
You owe it to your spiritual man to buy the CD...
the words (minus Joel's prayer/recitation words that are in the middle)
are as follows!
When peace like a river attendth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot
Thou hast taught me to say
It is well
It is well with my soul
It is well (It is well)
With my soul (With my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul....
It is well (It is well)
With my soul (With my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul....
Oh Lord you searched me
You know my way
Even when I fail you
I know you love me
Your Holy presence (Your Holy presence)
Surrounding me (Surrounding me)
In every season (In every season)
I know you love me (I know you love me)
I know you love me( i know you love me)
At the cross I bow my knees
Where Your blood was shed for me
There's no greater Love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now?
Nothing can separate me from your love, Lord
You go before me Lord (You go before me)
You shield my way (Ya shield my way)
Your mighty hand upholds me Lord(Your hand upholds Me)
I know you love me (I know you love me)
I know you love me (I know you love me)
I know you love me (I know you love me)
I know you love me
At the cross Lord...
At the cross I bow my knees
Where your blood was shed for me
There's no greater love than this
You have overcome the grave
Your glory fills the highest place
What can separate me now?
You tore the veil
You made a way when you said that it is done!
You tore the veil
You made a way when you said that it is done!
(Joel's prayer/recitation)
You tore the veil
You made a way
When you said that it is done
You tore the veil
You made a way
When you said that it is done
When you said that it is done
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Author of Salvation
He rules and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
Shine your light
Shine your light out
Let the whole world see -yeh
We're singing
For the glory of the risen King
My Jesus
Shine your light out
Let the whole world see
Were singing
For the glory of the risen king
My Jesus
Shine your light out
Let the whole world see
Were singing
For the glory of the risen king
Shine your light out
Let the whole world see
Were singing
For the glory of the risen King
He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save
Forever and ever
Jesus conquered the grave
Author of salvation
He rules and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave....
In addition, Joel started his alotted sermon time with a few customary jokes. But he shared on a serious level how the Lord brought him to the point of first preaching, with the prodding of his father. That very week his Dad passed on to glory! His testimony is one worth hearing. He delivered his message based on Romans 3:13;challenging us to think about what negative message(s) we are regularly playing in our minds! It spoke to me very personally and to my friends who sat beside me.
Lastly, Joel and Victoria's daughter, Alexandra, sang the invitation selection, "Come just as you are". Joel invited anyone who wanted to receive or renew their commitment to Jesus to unashamedly stand up. The sight of seeing and hearing thousands come to Christ for personal salvation is something that still moves me. I am thankful for ministers who bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the wayward soul. I heard the gospel presented in simplistic terms and responded, prayed the sinner's prayer and my life has never been the same since. This evening with Joel Osteen brought back memories of my own spiritual milestone over 22 years ago.
Friday, October 26, 2007
An Evening With Joel Osteen...
Posted by
11:55 PM
Labels: An Evening With Joel Osteen, Baltimore, First Mariner Arena, Lakewood
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
You gotta love...
Here is a recent photo I took of Greta's sons in the studio at college. This candid shot cost me a steep $20 because Josh hates getting his picture taken. Yes, Aunt Terri had to resort to bribery but it was well worth it! On the other hand, little Kyle is a real ham and modeled more than an hour with out complaining. I know Aunt Candy, Aunt April and Mom Mom Margaret will smile real big when they see this one!
Posted by
2:35 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
That was Greta...
She was thrilled to have finally met someone she felt she could share her life dreams. Some had doubts about her choice but she knew what she wanted...more importantly what God had ordained for her life...that was Greta!
As the big day approached, she and Mom worked tirelessly even on a limited budget to bring her fairy tale wedding to life. She cherished her gown and said it made her feel just like a princess. The headpiece she made was so pretty. Even though she was always ready to crack a joke about her weight issue...that day...her jokes and all...she was more than beautiful from the inside out...that was Greta!
It had been a stressful week leading up to the wedding day. With brushes with the local law enforcement let's just say "not all of the soon-to-be-step-kids" had a clue how important this day was to her or their family. She took those kids on as if they had in fact been carried by her in her own womb. She really loved them and although she never once tried to replace their birth mother...she extended amazing love and more grace than many natural mothers do...that was Greta.
October 11, last limo negotiated that long country lane off Bay Road. It delivered us to the historic North Bend Church. She walked down that aisle beaming and we all witnessed as she pledged her life and faithfulness to a man who was blessed to have met her acquaitance...for what was and would be for the one and only time in her short lifetime. It was a good thing because God knew the bigger plan. She trusted God through prayer to work out everything...that was Greta!
She enjoyed a dance with her new hubby in the Senator's pavillion. They shared wedding cake with a many on lookers and posed for the huge family portrait under a canopy of fall foliage...the beauty of this time of year was one of her favorite times of year...that was Greta!
She had humor that kept us all in stitches...I will never forget her wedding day for the one time I was blessed to be a Matron of Honor. I was happy to stand up during the toast I rendered...she could make me laugh and cry at the very same time...that was Greta!
The sunset that evening was one of the most beautiful I recall in my many years of living in the sticks. Greta recognized that God painted that end of day personally for them...that was Greta!
As she entrusted little Kyle to me and she prepared to go off and enjoy her wedding night. She kissed and hugged that little guy tightly and Josh too. She was an affectionate Mom...that was Greta!
Days later she commented about life in a blended family. At times she felt as though "the appliance" was stuck on liquefy. I am sure she had all the same challenges of a first time family and then some. But she had more perserverence than Webster could define...that was Greta!
Many months later as her health deteriorated and the physical pain increased...she viewed her wedding day pics and remarked about how happy a day that was. She always was a "glass half full" kind if chick...that was Greta!
I am thinking about tomorrow being the sixth month marker of her home going...I cannot begin to fathom what it must be like to reunite with loved ones who had gone on before; much more awesome to meet the Lord and thank Him for His love, grace, mercy and amazing intercession...that IS Greta!
Posted by
10:33 PM
Labels: that was Greta
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Yesterday morning I wanted to sleep-in in the worst kind of way because I had been at friend's house until after 3AM. We were reminiscing and printing some photos contact sheets from a wedding she had helped me shoot a almost two weeks ago today.
However, JB woke with his usual 6 year old vigor and was prodding me to rouse but I kindly sent him back to his bed explaining that Mommy had a late night and needed her sleep...we had some time before our home school day "had" to officially begin. I instructed him to be quiet so he would not wake his little sister.
As I drifted back to sleepy town in no time I could hear what I was sure to be him rifling through his big Little Tykes toy box. The clanking and plastic sounds are way too familiar in my world of four kids. It seemed especially loud yesterday morning and I tried to maintain self control for a bit but too soon did yell...
"Please stop that!
It seemed to stop for all of 30 seconds and then I hear what seemed like a rattlesnake or morocco type of maybe JB was having a "musical moment" which he tends to do in the mornings.
I am not a talented musician but I did not miss a beat myself. I yelled again, reintegrating...
"I said stop - I am trying to sleep here!" The sounds stopped for a brief time.
I sat straight up in bed, in my now "more coherent mental state" and realized that the sound was in fact not coming from the JB's toy box or bedroom but outside my "open" bedroom window!!! I instantly thought evil thoughts toward our neighbors of all of four months. They have kids who hang with the neighborhood rowdies that make all manner of noise night and day! In a critical moment I felt angry and plotted on how to ask them why they weren't in school or at least walking to the end of the court to catch their bus?
As I peep out my open window and strategically, between the mini blinds, I am shocked to see one of our trademark green Akehurst Landscape trucks parked in my hubby's usual parking spot. I too soon is not the usual pickup truck he was in fact the one of the bigger trucks used to transport small equipment for fertilizing and treating lawns for weeds. They visit about once a quarter to treat our lawn and that of the widowed neighbor (who has since moved away ~ hence the "new" neighbors).
I can see a worker - who I do not know personally one of our employees. He is pushing his handy dandy wheeled contraption and it's spitting some niceties on the new neighbor's lawn and THAT's THE SOUND! I stammered, calling out loudly, "Stop! Yes - from behind the blinds because by this point I have not thought to grab a robe or clothes!
The same word repeats "Stop!" the poor guy looks up ~ so confused.
I try to explain, "We have these new neighbors and I guess no one told you but anyway I don't know if they want us treating their lawn-sorry!
He innocently says, "Okay, but you DO want me to still do THAT one (pointing to our postage stamp sized lawn)?
I replied with a huge bout of guilt and embarrassment , "Yes, please and thank you!"
He soon finished, packed up and pulled away from the curb. I could not help but laugh and wonder...Is it often that a crazy womanly voice yells "Stop!" at him from behind closed blinds in an open window - much less those of his boss?
I still break out on laughter as I try to retell this story so I though I'd share it here for everyone else's entertainment. Greta would have laughed heartily if I could have told her about my very embarrassing moment!
Posted by
12:01 AM
Labels: JB, Little Tykes toy box, sleep
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Sunflowers galore...
A couple weeks back I took my kids for an afternoon drive up to see the 60 acres of sunflowers blooming in the northern part of our county. It is a breath-taking view on Harford Creamery Road just north of Jarrettsville. The butterflies and bees enjoyed the rows of tall flowers leaning over in the summer heat. God's creation is just magnificent!
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11:24 PM
Labels: God's Creation, Harford Creamery, sunflowers