It has been two months today since Greta went on to her heavenly home. It was my goal to write in my blog about my experience that day as I drove to hospital and went to say good bye to her for that last time. However, instead and in memorium to Greta's great faith, I decided to post the lyrics to a song I recently discovered and cherish so much...
It is a Mark Harris song titled WISH YOU WERE HERE
(From his album The Line Between The Two)
I wanted to tell you how closely I've kept
The memories of you in my heart
And all of the lifetimes that we had to share
Live even though we're apart
But don't cry for me
'Cause I'm finally free
To run with the angels
On streets made of gold
To listen to stories of saints new and old
To worship our Maker
That's where I'll be
When you finally find me
No don't you be weary cause waiting for you
Are wonders that you've never known
Just hold on to Jesus, reach out for his hands
And one day They'll welcome you home
And that's when you'll be
Finally free
Finally free
I wish you were here, I wish you were here
And all of the dreams that you treasure
Will soon come together
And that's when your sorrow will find tomorrow
And you will rise again
We'll run with the angels on streets made of gold
We'll listen to stories of saints new and old
We'll worship our maker that's where we'll be
When you finally find me
I wish you were here
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Two months...
Posted by
11:54 PM
Labels: goodbye, Greta, Mark Harris, Wish You Were Here
Sunday, June 10, 2007 the math!
Last evening my hubby took me out on the town to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse on Baltimore's Pier 5. As parents of four children these days, it is not too often that we "go out on a date". So this was a real treat. From the valet parking to the most attentive waiter ever was a truly enjoyable evening! The food was delicious and (without our offspring there to interject 29 questions into our conversation) we dialogued at some length.
We recalled "just how it was" that we...
~managed to meet
~became friends
~made the decision to date only each other
~dated, dated and dated some more
~got engaged
~dated yet more
~planned a wedding
~persevered and didn't bail out
~weathered some figurative storms and
~survived a literal batch of "prenuptial tornadoes"...
all without calling off our trip to the altar 17 years ago yesterday!
17 YEARS..
WOW...just do the math...
68 quarters
204 months
884 weeks
6,205 days
148,920 hours
8,935,200 minutes
536,112,000 seconds and
to think (as confessed-complete-opposites)we heard that some said we wouldn't last!
It is important to share that we knew full-well from the beginning that neither of us were without we invited the only perfect person who ever lived to be the head of our relationship...Jesus Christ! Inscribed in each of our wedding bands is the scripture from Ecclesiastes 4:12,
...a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
We believe that the Lord ~with us~ makes that threefold cord. He is our rock, our salvation and the real secret to our marital longevity. For this reality we thank, praise and give Him all credit!
Posted by
9:24 PM
Labels: anniversary, Ecclesiastes 4, marital longevity, Ruth's Chris, wedding
Sunday, June 3, 2007
My Bible-carrier Graduated...
The tuxedo-clad, brown-eyed toddler who staggered (carrying a tiny Bible)down the aisle for my wedding, nearly 17 years ago, just graduated from from my high school Alma mater on May 31, 2007! As I prepared to capture the picture of my nephew, Joshua, in his green cap and gown and receiving his sheepskin, I felt a bit anxious and more than words can say about pride, sadness and happiness -all at the same time!
Joshua Kemp Jones, how could so much time have passed? You mean so much to all of us especially, Mom Mom Margaret and Grandad Walter. Where-did-the-years-go? No, I won't spring into singing my rendition of "Sunrise~Sunset". But how-can-this-be-so-real-and-so-soon? It seems like just last week, I was rocking you as a precious crying newborn baby boy and singing to you - so sorry- but I can't resist...
Now let us have a little talk with Jesus,
Let us tell him all about our troubles,
He will hear your faintest cry and
He will answer by and by.
So when you feel a little prayer wheel turning,
Just know a little fire is burnin',
You will find a little talk with Jesus makes it right!
You are a fine young man who is entering a troubled and fallen world. I pray that you will look to your Lord and Saviour to be your compass to find the "one true north" and the only rock on which to build your own family of strength someday! He will be your comfort and abiding best friend with whom you can always talk!
As my closest younger sister, your Mom was undoubtedly one of the dearest people I have ever known! It is a certainty that if she could have, she would have looked on this day of accomplishment with a huge smile while shedding many happy tears of elation -and relief! As you know she had a tremendous sense of humor (in fact she had joked with me about keeping you from dating until you're 30) but of course in all seriousness, -only a Christian lady! Her desires to see you guard your heart and walk with your mind fixed on following Jesus Christ were of the utmost sincerity. So this too is my wish and my prayer for you in this chapter and the rest of your long life!!! With All My Love ~Your Aunt Terri~ Proverbs 3:5-6
Posted by
5:31 PM
Labels: graduation, Greta, Joshua, Proverbs 3:5