Last evening my hubby took me out on the town to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse on Baltimore's Pier 5. As parents of four children these days, it is not too often that we "go out on a date". So this was a real treat. From the valet parking to the most attentive waiter ever was a truly enjoyable evening! The food was delicious and (without our offspring there to interject 29 questions into our conversation) we dialogued at some length.
We recalled "just how it was" that we...
~managed to meet
~became friends
~made the decision to date only each other
~dated, dated and dated some more
~got engaged
~dated yet more
~planned a wedding
~persevered and didn't bail out
~weathered some figurative storms and
~survived a literal batch of "prenuptial tornadoes"...
all without calling off our trip to the altar 17 years ago yesterday!
17 YEARS..
WOW...just do the math...
68 quarters
204 months
884 weeks
6,205 days
148,920 hours
8,935,200 minutes
536,112,000 seconds and
to think (as confessed-complete-opposites)we heard that some said we wouldn't last!
It is important to share that we knew full-well from the beginning that neither of us were without we invited the only perfect person who ever lived to be the head of our relationship...Jesus Christ! Inscribed in each of our wedding bands is the scripture from Ecclesiastes 4:12,
...a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
We believe that the Lord ~with us~ makes that threefold cord. He is our rock, our salvation and the real secret to our marital longevity. For this reality we thank, praise and give Him all credit!
Sunday, June 10, 2007 the math!
Posted by
9:24 PM
Labels: anniversary, Ecclesiastes 4, marital longevity, Ruth's Chris, wedding
"~weathered some figurative storms".. What about the tornado the day of your wedding? Was that figurative? LOL
Happy Anniversary!! Glad you had a good time.
Did you like the steaks? I am still green with envy!
love ya.
As always...thanks for your comments! As for your question about the tornadoes..they were the night before my wedding day...and that came under the "literal batch of prenuptial tornadoes" line. So please tell me...was that a sign of things to come or a warning to click my red shoes three times instead of donning the white wedding shoes I had to fight so hard to get? (You do remember that scenario -right?)
Even with all the trials...I am a blessed woman...I stand in awe of the fabulous children God has given to me to raise...four here (and at least one in heaven)! I always dreamed of having four kids (2 boys and 2 girls)and my heart's desire was just what I got...right down to their birth order! know you still have time to catch up with me lil' sis! Just please move back east and I promise to babysit each and everytime you ask without fail...and if you will just move closeby in MD...I will even go so far as to treat you to Ruth's the meal offer is a limited time offer...because once we are in the log home on the farm ~ "at best" I might be able to buy you a Chick-fil-a meal! :)
Love & Miss you all!
YAY for your anniversary and YAY for a yummy no-children dinner!
Yes Linds...
You can say that all again!
I thought they happened the early early morning of your wedding day?
Oh and do I remember the shoes....I will never forget that episode....maybe you should blog about that one??
I am so "jealous"! ;) Even through everything ya'll have been...and continue to go through...GOD is the center of your lives and THAT's what makes the difference! Go Akehurst!!! Love you both SOOOOO much!
Thanks Kipper...nothing to be jealous of...your day(s) are coming!
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