Today (now yesterday) was a particularly bright and beautiful May Monday day but inside my head it was anything but sunny! God has blessed me with a sanguine personality (optimistic, very outgoing & talkative). I can honestly say that even though things in my life are never perfect, I can recall only a few times, since I surrendered my life to Christ, that I have not been able to rise to the occasion and see the glass as at least half-full! Yes, it was yet another weepy day for me (the likes thereof have become more frequent as I mourn) and this was not even the typical "offbeat day or two" that we females experience monthly. Today, I really wanted to run away from my life and my reality!
Since my sister, Greta, moved to her eternal home (almost 6 weeks ago) I have felt a wide range of emotion. I have tried to see the spiritual significance in each day and each person I have the privilege to meet or share time with on the phone. But I have to say that with each stage of grief -my emotions have spun both beautiful tapestries of hope and some serious cobwebs of doubt about my spiritual and mental state(s).
After dinner tonight, I sat down and was searching for some comfort "personal words" of encouragement from God's word. Okay, now have you ever done this? Just opened the Bible in a random if some message will magically jump off the page at you? Well be warned that the Bible has many "not so pleasant verses" so you may struggle to find the significance of "just any old verse". I am blessed to own several Bibles and the one I picked up tonight was my Women of Faith Devotional Bible. The page I opened to -seemed to be nothing very profound - at least not at first. I just skimmed the blip called Hope which referenced Galatians 6:9 and then pressed on to read the related devotional by some woman of a faith who wrote....
Hope is a word I love. Hope keeps you going when things don't look so good. Hope is the only thing left at times, I love it that God tells us not to lose hope. If we keep hope alive in our souls, we shall reap in due season. When we can't see past the darkness we can always have hope. Isn't it great to know there are seasons to our lives? My season of life right now is raising....precious children...-a great season, but a challenge every minute as well. I need hope that tomorrow may be easier or sweeter."Thank you, Lord, for the hope., You give me minute by minute."
It touched me and then I read the author's was signed...Terry Jones...Point of Grace
You may ask, "So what's the big deal?" Well I will tell maiden name was Terri Jones! I was so surprised - I know this passage and devotion were meant for me for a time such as this! I say that to share can rest-assured that God is a very personal God! He is the ever faithful friend and He never ceases to amaze me. Unlike our "supposed friends and loved ones" who (for diverse reasons may) tend to distance themselves when we need them the most! It is comforting to know that when we sincerely seek His face, He does not run and hide! He meets us at the point of our genuine need!!! PRAISE HIS HIGH AND HOLY NAME AMEN!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
An Opening Point
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1:48 AM
Labels: Good Grief Terri Dawn, Greta, grief, hope, personal God
Continue to look to Christ, dear sister...He is your hope.
Looks like you have a great start to your blog. You must have had some great help....(eemm)LOL
Love ya. I'll be checking back often.
Thanks for letting me have the priviledge of being your first and second commenter(guess you didn't have a choice actually. Would you like me to be your third?
Glad you have a blog! I will be sure to check it out often.
Your blog is beautiful and moving. I hope it truely helps you through the grieving process. Remember, God doesn't just give us what we can handle. He helps us handle what we've got.
Love and blessings,
Terry, I came by your blog by way of April's. Please know that there are many saints praying for everyone who was touched by the death of your sister. The Lord bless you, your family, and I hope you enjoy blogging.
I love, love, love that you have a blog. I will tell you a little story that I was reminded of in my own faith journey, through reading your blog! I think it is amazing how God, when we are at our extreme lowest, sends us specially personalized encouragements. I was going through a time of depression about four years ago now, and I didn't even want to get out of bed in the morning, let alone have to go to work and hold it together all day with a ton of kids! I was on the way to work, listening to the radio, and Mercy Me's, Word of God Speak, was on the radio. The sky was sort of overcast, but a little sunny. It really didn't look like rain. I didn't think much of the song, since it was pretty popular back then...overplayed, ya know? I didn't even pay attention to the words really. I was stuck on my misery... I turned off the car and got out to go into the building, ready for another day of trudging through and wallowing in self pity. Then, the song came into my head as I walked. "Word of God, speak. Would you pour down like rain," And, wouldn't you know it!? It started seriously POURING DOWN SERIOUS DOWNPOUR RAIN! "Washing my eyes to see, Your majesty. To be still and know, that You're in this place. Please let me stay and rest, in Your holiness. Word of God, speak!" I instantly felt like God was giving me the go ahead to rest in him! It was all I could do in the joy that filled my soul to not just stand there in the rain in awe. I think I kind of did for a little while. It was a pretty surreal time, one of those ones I always treasure. That was my, "Lindsey, I love you, I am here for you. Have hope!" message that I needed at that moment. I had hall duty that morning, so I got to stand in the hallway, soaking wet, and greet all of the kids as they came down that particular hallway. They all asked why I was soaking wet. I just smiled. I think I smiled the rest of the day. I couldn't help it. There wasn't a whole lot I could say. It was just what I needed. Thank God for those times! They mean more to us than we can even explain to another person, and that is awesome. They are right to us, from the God who loves us more than anything!!!!
Hi Terri! (My oldest sister is a Terri with an "i", too.)
I found you through April and I was compelled to comment because I went to church with Terry Jones in Little Rock. Wait. Let me rephrase that. I went to the same church as Terry Jones. LOL It was very large and I didn't know her personally. But she and her husband have such a terrific ministry and as sad as I was that she left Point of Grace, I know she only followed God's leading.
Besides that I love your words. Not only have I gotten to see April's precious heart over the last couple of months on her blog, I've gotten a little glimpse of her family. She is truly blessed - as are you all.
THANKS to everyone who has read my blog and left me such encouraging comments. I am still getting the hang of this!
God bless you all!
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